Who does not want money in life in the world. Many word in our surrounding do not spend money higher than you have/earn. That may can be serious problem not only next day but also making new habit in he/she life. Many fact money matter can be stress, worry or the high impact such as kill self.
We have enough money or we are in lacking of money that are really temptation. How do that? When we do not have enough money we do anything to get money such as work under pressure, kill some body, lie or snake broker. The main thing is how to get money even though that ban a way. In other way, when we have enough money we are in temptation too. When we have enough money suddenly we have many think/thing to spend our money. Buy new clothes, car, motorcycle, home, going to the most expensive (best taste) restaurant and other to get new things.
We often hearing from people if you getting $ 1000 a month you will think next month how to getting $1500 a month. That will not finish when we are not 'thanks to God' what we have right now. We can get money from any source some time out of mine.
Now, many firm offering new tips how to manage our earn but other way we have spend money to get a way solution. Many way to get some salutation how to manage our earn/salary in the bank. One of them of products is education saving. It is do with your capability to transfer from your account to education saving number. After you transferred you can not draw from education saving except finish from the date on the letter.
Next, will be write how to manage our earn begin from daily activities so, stay check my blog...
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